Articles on
the Malaysian political scene
Countdown to the 13th
General Election
assume the election will be held no later than 31 Dec 2012
An Augustine Event in which judge Augustine Paul is feted in an award ceremony befitting his obedient service.
I Watch the Sparrows Fly
in which judge Augustine Paul regrets in old age.
The Hell of Augustine Paul in which judge Augustine Paul receives his just punishment in hell.
An Exclusive Interview with Saiful Bukhari – troubled by doubters, Saiful grants an interview to explain all.
BN Politicians Hail New MACC Interrogation Technique – a new technique to extract confessions from stubborn witnesses
The Council of Najib – a secret high powered council meets to decide the conclusion to Anwar’s trial
A Ranking of BN’s Twelve Worse Political Disasters – BN’s Dirty Dozen which will drag it down at the next general election.
40 Reasons why the Sodomy Charge against Anwar is too Ridiculous to Believe – and Saiful hasn’t even been cross-examined yet.
Saiful’s Contradictions – Saiful spins a tall tale but ends up sodomizing truth instead.